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“In the Light of Truth” – The Grail Message



to the Work ...

Abd-ru-shin’s work “In the Light of Truth” – The Grail Message, was written in German (“Im Lichte der Wahrheit”). It consists of 168 sequential lectures, which build upon one another. The Grail Message conveys to the reader and listener an insight into the working of the Laws of Nature and of Creation, which express the Holy Will of God. In a comprehensible manner the author describes the working of the different Laws which are interwoven right up to the finest ramifications. As an example, the effect of a grain of corn bringing forth a multiple harvest of corn follows a pattern according to the laws. However, this principle of nature is not restricted to the world of plants alone, but the lawful effects also return to the human being as a consequence of the thoughts and deeds generated by him. Man harvests many times over from the seed which arises from his volition, and such a harvest can then bring him joy or sorrow. In this regard however, the thought that the personality of a human being is restricted to only a single earth life must be broadened, for the human being is a wanderer who has lived on this planet earth in several embodiments as a human being. Thus, what happened on this earth in the dim and distant past was the work of present day human beings, for we were also involved in these epochs in earlier incarnations.

Abd-ru-shin captures the essence of his Grail Message in the following words: “In order to convey to mankind such knowledge, which gives them a clear and intelligible conviction of the working of God in His Justice and Love, I have written the work ‘In the Light of Truth’, which leaves no gap, contains the answer to every question, and clearly shows to mankind how wonderful are the ways in Creation that are upheld by many servants of His Will.”


The Objective of the Grail Movement

Many readers and adherents of the Grail Message feel it is important that they work together with others to increase the awareness of the Grail Message. The Author of the Grail Message makes mention of the criteria for this. The individual reader must come to terms, objectively and without prejudice with the statements of the Grail Message. This presupposes that the reader truly seeks spiritual values and that he is also willing to apply the knowledge and recognitions gained, to his personal life. 

All forms of soliciting or influencing in order to spread the Grail Message, contradict the statements contained in the Grail Message and are not to be followed. The Grail Movement Nigeria share the same criteria in this respect.

The Grail Movement as the name implies, is from its origin, a “movement” consisting of readers and adherents of the Grail Message, each individually striving to realise their common aspirations.  

Along with the desire to make it possible for human beings who are so inclined to know about the existence of the work “In the Light of Truth” – The Grail Message; there is also a strong desire to participate in hours of Worship which, in the sense of the Grail Message, are to be considered joint hours of worshiping God. Likewise, being allowed to experience a Grail Festival is a particular desire of the reader who adheres to the Grail Message, and, therefore, is one of the central concerns of the Grail Movement.


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