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Why did Christ have to die?

Christ’s death on the cross was neither an act willed by God nor a part of Christ’s mission of salvation, but rather a dastardly, evil and murderous action of the religious leaders of that time who saw Jesus as a dangerous and meddlesome troublemaker who was threatening to take away their congregations and therefore their wealth, power and influence.

Christ came down to earth to bring spiritual enlightenment to humanity. To show and explain to us the true Word of His Father. His teachings attracted multitudes of human beings who felt an inner stirring within their souls when He spoke and taught. His teachings upset many of the existing dogmas, this of course upset especially the clergy at that time, who gradually saw their influence diminishing as more and more people flocked in droves to hear Jesus’ teachings. Their attempts to discredit him through asking him tricky questions failed since He always saw through their deceptions and unmasked them. When they were unable to discredit Him, they now sought to attack him and cause him physical harm. However, the huge throng of people surrounding Jesus made this impossible. It was only through the treachery and betrayal of one of his disciples that allowed them to seize, arrest and falsely accuse him of blasphemy and claiming to be who He was, the Son of God.

Now, if during his trial Jesus had, to avoid prosecution, said that He was not the Son of God, He would have saved His life but His mission of salvation would have failed because those who had hitherto believed in His teachings and His divine origin would have lost their certainty and most likely their conviction about the truths that Christ had brought. Jesus Christ however maintained His stand even in the face of a painful and tortuous death. With His death on the cross, He placed a stamp and seal on His earthly mission. He clearly showed that all that He had done and taught were done on behalf of His father, that He was the Son of God.

It is instructive that at the crucifixion it was reported that a roman soldier said, “Truly this is the Son of God”. The crucifixion however does not absolve humanity of sin, rather it increases their guilt and drags them down deeper. Christ being without sin cannot carry humanity’s sin away. Each person reaps what he sows and is accountable for his actions. God is love but also justice. Finally, if the crucifixion of Christ has been God willed he would never have uttered the intercessory prayer “father forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

For many who might find this interpretation of events contrary to the view held, i.e. that Christ’s death was a divinely willed action that was supposed to provide a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of mankind, it would be good for them to read the parable of the wicked husband-men, where Christ foresees his death at the hands of a sinful, wicked and depraved mankind. We are told in this parable quite clearly, that humanity have mismanaged and usurped the rights of the owner i.e. the Creator and when asked by the servants of the owner i.e. the prophets to deliver the fruits of the vineyard, have scorned, beaten and in some cases killed them. When the owner at last sends his son i.e. Jesus in the hope that they would show him the necessary reverence, they seized the son, cast him out of the vineyard and slew him.

This parable is quite clear and in no way supports the notion of a washing away of humanity’s sin through Christ’s death on the cross.

The explanation given in this article is based on the author’s understanding of the Work “In The Light of Truth”, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin.